Viance Nutrition focuses on all-natural, preservative-free products that deliver healthier lifestyles and weight loss.
Their three-stage program concentrates on metabolism-boosting products and a vibrant lifestyle which promotes healthy, gradual, and effective weight loss. Viance Nutrition initially approached Rip Media Group to promote their brand by increasing their online presence.
Our team proposed the development of an eCommerce website and promotional videos to increase awareness of the new product line, then we promoted the eCommerce site, the custom Facebook page, ran part of the social media campaign and created multiple videos in different styles.
The first was an explainer video done in a Character Animation style using the classic concept of the Tortoise vs. Hare storyline. Viance’s slow and steady weight loss program emulated the tortoise, resulting in winning the race. (Interesting note: Mercedes Benz ran a similar story campaign at the 2015 SuperBowl…Viance was ahead of its time!)
The second video Rip produced was a Live Action Hybrid with graphic overlays for deeper explanation. This video was edited into multiple shorter testimonials from different Viance Nutrition users describing the many wonderful benefits of healthy living.
Following the videos, Viance Nutrition and Rip Media Group designed, launched and promoted their website, with daily blog writing and launched their social media campaign. These services resulted in improving brand awareness, increasing foot traffic to their website and helping educate clientele who were new to the program and now boasts over 160,000 active social media followers.
Website: http://viance.com