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Interactive Video by Rip Media Group

Interactive invideo links: Obamacare video

Interactive invideo links: Obamacare video animation

Interactive Video Icons by Rip Media Group

Video production is evolving with the internet.  As social networks and social sharing are growing in importance, video must evolve as well.  As an interactive agency, as well as a video production studio, we have created videos for clients that have questions embedded in the video itself (see, as well as using a more subtle interactive video links.  Both styles are shown below.

In this interactive explainer video, two icons appear ON the video itself after 10 seconds.  Viewers do not need to look around the web page to learn where to do next, they actively click through for more information in a new window.  For example, millions of people will be learning where to go for new health care options.  The interactive icons can be shown at strategic time points to help viewers make smarter choices.  Just as hypertext appeared and grew in popularity, we feel this is the first generation of interactive video.
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Interactive explainer video on Obamacare


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