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The Power of Motion Graphics in Video Marketing

The Power of Motion Graphics in Video Marketing

It’s no surprise that the world of digital marketing continues to change each year. Evidently, motion graphic videos are interlaced in that ever-changing world. This is due to the fact that motion graphic videos have gained so much popularity over the years — and what would a world without motion graphic videos be? Definitely not a fun one! We here at Rip Media Group know how impactful motion graphic videos truly are, which is why we’re always striving to create the best projects possible.

Motion graphics videos work well because they’re geared visually in creating or assisting the story itself. Understanding where and how you want to incorporate motion graphics into your video is essential. This is where brainstorming and mapping out the video come into play. Rip Media Group can assist you in these first steps of your video. Our talented team can help you figure out the message you’re trying to convey with the most effective visuals. It all starts with these building blocks to help create the foundation of your vision.


Ideally, you want your video to clearly articulate your message as fluently as possible. Bombarding your audience with content exceeding 2-3 minutes usually proves to not be very effective. We feel that it’s important to breakdown your video into sections where you can clearly see what you will like to cover. Using motion graphics to help tell your story better will only prove as a beneficial asset.


There is a trend for marketing videos to be as short as possible. Instagram offers marketers a way to share 15-second videos — and Vine lets users trim their videos down to only six seconds! Notice the trend here? This just goes to show that you don’t need an insane amount of time to get your message across to your audience.


Almost every video made follows the same trend of concluding their message in a “call to action” format. Ideally, getting your point across to the viewer should make them do what you had hoped for during the beginning stages of creating the video. Rip Media Group feels that this aspect of creating video is crucial in succeeding. That is why we’re always in the mindset of getting the viewer to understand what the client can offer from the very beginning.


Video is everywhere and utilizing elements such as motion graphics to help tell your story will get you ahead of the curve. Our talented pool of motion graphic experts can help make your vision come to life, so what are you waiting for?

If you would like help producing your video, our production team would love to help. Just reach out to us at: We love producing motion graphic animation, live action video, whiteboard animation/speed drawing animation, and helping people like you reach your goals.

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