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Video Marketing Question #3 – What’s the ROI of Video?

Ripping Through Your Marketing Questions #3 - What's the ROI of Video?

How do we calculate the Return on Investment of video marketing?

Note: This is only one part of a series of ROI videos we will be creating, so, I thought we should merely start with the most basic value-add: your sales people’s time.

So, let’s look at the VALUE that video should DELIVER to you and your brand.  

We already learned in the videos above that most executives (buyers) prefer video over most other types of communication…certainly executive decision makers prefer a video over reading, and far above making a call to a sales team that pushes for a demo, demo, demo!

Let’s think about that executive, she has more things to do than hours in a day and just wants the basic understanding of the value of what you do.  From there, she can decide to move forward with you…She needs to know if your products will make her life easier, save her money, help her team, or help her company?

So, your initial video should deliver on these questions.

If your video does a poor job of this, she will move on.  Do not expect her to read and get a demo without those questions answered.

An easy way to figure out if you are grabbing the mindshare of your prospects: How many visitors do you have, and how many conversions do you have?

Since your video will be the most valued asset you own until a salesperson is engaged, let’s have a look at the most valuable meeting your salespeople can have.   That’s one-to-one quality time with a prospect over a cup of coffee.  


Would you pay for a meeting with your best messenger and a good prospect?  

Most people would say: “YES, of course I want my BEST salesperson with a VALUABLE prospect for a few minutes!”

We know that not all salespeople are the same, so, what if you could encapsulate your best salesperson, your best pitch, and your best message, and DELIVER A QUALITY MESSAGE every single day, hundreds and hundreds of times, with prospects?

This is easily achievable as long as you are working with a quality video and story.

If we start with a quality message and video, the ROI is easy to justify.

The video is going to work day and night nonstop, doesn’t take a break, doesn’t get sick, and doesn’t take any time off.

Video is putting your best salesperson, your best pitch, and your best message in front of your potential customers ‘24/7, 365’.  

The math works out easily in the video…and this is based on just a few views per day!

Now, imagine if you have a normal amount of views, or you have a high-priced product…The ROI of quality video marketing is astounding.

As I have written before, investing in video in my own company has generated multiple times the costs of the work…it has transformed us.  We want the same for you.

Please let me know what you think of our math!

To look at your options, just start with our creative brief, download our Video Workbook Starter, or give us a call for a free consultation at 888.899.8910.

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