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4 Predictions For Video Productions In 2017

Predictions for Video Productions

How big has video production for the internet been so far? Pretty, pretty big. But it’s only getting bigger. Cisco has predicted that by 2019, 80% of all consumer internet traffic will be video production traffic. That’s a 16% rise from where it sat last year in 2015. But 2017 is upon is. What can we expect now? If you’re a marketer or video publisher, here are some predictions.

1. 360-Degree Video

If you’re on Facebook then you’ll have noticed that viewers there now have the option of viewing a video production in 360-degrees. You can pan, rotate, pretty much do anything you can in 360-degrees. Star Wars is already taking advantage of the technology that allows you to do it. If you’re on a Chrome browser you can check it out here – and take a quick ride through Jakku.

2. Live-Streaming

This year, live-streaming exploded via new platforms like Meerkat and Periscope. And along with that, we also saw big deals made between some big players – for example the NFL live-streamed a game from London with Yahoo. You might want to consider live-streaming for key industry announcements or trade shows. Caitlin Spaan, the SVP of Marketing at Ooyala says “As Netflix begins to hint at doing live events, expect to see more digital platforms like the Yahoos or Facebooks of the world, the folks with global audiences and video-ready capabilities, to put their stake into live event streaming as well.” There’s no reason this shouldn’t include you.

3. 4K

4K is 4 times the resolution of 1080 high definition – so there’s no wonder that producers are starting to make their video productions in 4K. Right now the main issues lay with viewers’ connections and screens. There’s also additional equipment and accessories needed to truly experience 4K on both TV and the web. Chances are that with the proliferation of 4K cameras on iPhones, GoPros, et al, 4K will plow ahead regardless and become the successor to HD. But even though YouTube has room for 4K, it’ll take a while for viewers to catch up with the necessary tools (bandwidth and tech). So while it’ll grow in 2017, don’t expect it to explode…yet.

4. Droning On And On

Drone video will continue to sky rocket (see what we did there)! The government’s taking it really seriously – in late 2015 they announced they were putting together an FAA task-force to create rules and regulations for commercial drone operations. And big business is interested too; reps from Wal-Mart, Amazon and Google are also part of the task-force. So if your viewers want a full view of your operations, use a drone to show ‘em.

There you go! Four predictions from the Rip Media Group crystal ball as to the state of video productions in 2017. Oh, and here’s a sneaky fifth prediction; your story will start here!

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