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Business Video: 5 Strategies Taken from the TV Playbook

Hi all, we live in the world between Hollywood and Business, so we thought we would share some lessons we learned.

When planning your business video marketing strategies, a good question to ask is, “How do you get to be the best at _________?” Likely, you learn from the past. Pioneers learned the best ways to do things through trial, error, and years of toil and labor , teach us a lot about the changing digital landscape.  These are unchartered territories where no man—or video production specialist dared to venture before.

By embracing new technologies, while learning from the traditions of old, we find new and better ways to deliver a message and capture your audience’s attention.

Video production, was costly in the old days, is suddenly affordable, even to small businesses.  The ROI is now the best it’s ever been.

New tools and software allow for media companies to produce a stellar product for you at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods.  For guidance on how to capitalize on the best of the traditional video using digital media, we look to the history of television:

5 Strategies We Can Learn from TV’s Humble Beginnings

1) More Is More – That is…more content. There are now multiple formats and topics available on YouTube and other video platforms that users can access from their desktops, Macs, and mobile smart devices. Any subject they want to research is readily available by doing a quick search within YouTube, or Google.

Action Item: Watch YouTube for inspiration on new enterprise videos that capture your attention. YouTube is leading the way in topic-related videos and hundreds of millions that go there everyday to find videos that tell them what they want to know. The formats are vast, including webinars, marketing videos with provocative pitches for products and services, and live streaming events.)

2) Convergence Matters – Bringing it all together: The combination of media production and video communication is here. The ways in which messages can be delivered are as vast as the messages themselves. Pixar Studios, created by Apple guru Steve Jobs, taught us that you can create a compelling message that gets the point across, without live actors. Using motion graphics and compelling story techniques, you can create videos with “heart” with a limited budget, provided you have the best artists to do the job.


3) Post-Production Is Where It Happens – Steven Spielberg has a saying: “A film is largely made in the editing room.” Post production magic is what makes a film great—not brilliant cinematography.  This is true in our modern video creation world as well. Now that movie magic has gone digital, you can find video post-production tools designed to do everything the post-production movie house was designed to do for films. There are many solutions for modern day businesses who wish to tell their story, get their marketing message out to the world, and increase their branding.

Action Item #3: Include yourself in the video creation and production process, even if you don’t know a thing about video production. Get directly involved in the creation process so that you will have a direct impact on your message and learn how to drive your message home with consumers. Try starting with a creative brief, to uncover your story:

4) Remote Production Is Still King – The 2012 London Olympics were produced in New York City, using remote production technology and nothing more than a camera and connection to a network. You can do the same thing with modern technology. Using such tools as Skype, Google Hangout, and YouTube live capabilities, you can stream video straight to a remote (cloud) server and broadcast from all over the world.

5) Live-to-VOD – The trend for live and “on demand” events will continue to grow.  Social media platforms, such as Twitter, have added to the capabilities of modern day broadcasting to get audience involvement within live events as well as increase the interest level of “on demand” programs. Mark Cuban made a small fortune in the 1990’s when he developed a site called, “” It featured access to “on demand” radio streams from all over the world, as well as occasional streaming “live” events, with video from remote locations.

Action #5: Focus in on the most significant part of your message. Keep it short and to the point, but engaging and original. What do people recall the most about the 1968 lunar landing? These words: “One small step for man…one giant leap for mankind.” The broadcaster focused in on this historical moment and the now immortal words the astronaut said when he first set foot on the moon.


The world of traditional video and video marketing is changing and evolving. Much of the TV we knew and loved as children is slowly but surely making its way online. While the production is different, the purpose is the same—to entertain and engage an audience and incite them to action.  Go where the people are. Think about mobile media. Focus on the message and make it profound. Remember, while the sophisticated level of audience expectations has increased, the attention span of the average viewer has decreased.

Say it in as few words as possible, with superb digital video.

Where Do You Start?

If you would like help producing your video, our production team would love to help. Just reach out to us at: We love producing motion graphic animation, live action video, whiteboard animation/speed drawing animation, and helping people like you reach your goals. Or start with a creative brief:

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