Rip Media Group

Six Techniques To Enhance Your Video Production

Video Production

Good video production marketing techniques will enhance your product, brand, and visibility in the marketplace. We’ve compiled a few for you today – and we hope you employ them to make your video production even better than you thought possible!

So, what are you waiting for? Read up on making an engaging video production now!

Get On Youtube

Did you know that YouTube is the world’s second-largest search platform? So how does your YouTube channel look? You don’t have one??? Okay, let’s get on that. And let’s make sure your YouTube channel is optimized. Add videos like webinars and online tutorials if you can. Let’s surround your amazing video, the jewel in your corporate crown, with rich content that compliments your messaging.

Your customers will appreciate the extra educational content. You might even want to consider creating playlists of videos they might fid useful to bring them back to your channel – and your videos – over and over. 

Optimized Email

Link to your video production in your email! The more eyes you can get on your videos, the better off you’ll be.  

Next, be sure to set up tracking in your emails. Track who’s watching, engaging, or responding to your B2B video production via your Outlook account. All that stuff’s trackable!

If you notice someone watching your video over and over, reach out!

Opitimize Your Video for Search

How you write your tags, metadata, etc can all have an impact on how many people view your video production. Make sure you hit all the relevant points so people can find you. Remember, you’re the needle in the haystack – you need to make your needle shout!

We love Wordstream’s free keyword tool. The data that Wordstream offers will be detailed enough to help you choose good, searchable words throughout your blog posts and website.

Hire a Good Video Production Agency

We’re going to be a little self-promoting here, but why not? It’s our blog! You have to ensure your video production is going to be good and produced at competitive rates. That’s what we do here at Rip Media Group; give you a solid, innovative, compelling video production (just check our online portfolio to see for yourself!) and we don’t charge an arm and a leg.

Record Customer Testimonials

LinkedIn knows all about testimonials and you should too. Your customers don’t want to be the first to trust you; they want to know others like you too. Your customers want to see three things. Referral Value (having customers refer you to others). Emotional Value (client testimonials can do more to potential customers than fact sheets do). Conversion Value (client testimonials are a powerful means to convert potential clients that are thinking of doing business with you).

Do anything you can do to give your video production more credibility.

Record Your Elevator Pitch

Have you boiled down your main selling points to a short pitch that potential clients can understand immediately?  Your video production should embody this pitch; 60-90 seconds that perfectly encapsulates what you’re selling, who you are, and why the customers needs you.

And that’s it! Six points to enhance your video production. And remember, Rip Media Group is the company you need to put all this together – and more – to create the perfect video production for you!

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