Rip Media Group

The 5 Mistakes That Destroy Your Video Productions

Bad Video Productions Lose You Money

The best thing we can do from making a mistake during video production is learn from it (fixing it is also great, if you can).  But when you’re making a video production there are so many potential fires you have to be ready to put out, how can you be sure some things aren’t going to slip through the cracks?

You can’t.

But – and this is a good but – there are ways to mitigate video production mistakes from happening before they’re even a glint in your eye. We’ve put together a checklist for you that you can go over when you’re in pre-production to make sure your production is truly dy-no-mite!

1. Don't Make Your Video Ad All About You

The first common mistake we see people making is all about choosing the wrong hero for your story. You see when a customer hears the story of your brand (or any story for that matter) they will naturally reframe that story in the context of their own lives.  So, if you create a story that’s all about you, you’ve already made your story one-note and unrelatable to 90% of the population. 

The Antidote

Your customer needs to be the hero of your story, you’re just their humble guide. 

So don’t write a script that’s all about you. Create a story/video production that addresses their needs and how you can help them.

2. Don't Write an Unfocused Video Script

The average attention span of a person is – literally – less than a goldfish these days. So, there’s no time for chit-chat! Hollywood has been adapting to attention spans for years, movies continuously up the ante – adding more music, more special effects, more twists, more everything to their video productionsIf businesses don’t get with the times then guess what, they’re dead in the water. 

The Antidote

You have to ensure you come barreling out of the gate and grab your audience within the first few seconds of your video production. That means hyper-focusing your messaging. Give your customers the solution they need and end with a call to action.

3. Don't Use Industry Jargon In Your Marketing Video

We can all meet over the water cooler to talk about time codes and dutch angles.  Wait… you want to talk about mergers and acquisitions? Sorry, can’t help you there!

You and your colleagues know what your buzzwords and industry jargon are and that’s great. However, no one else knows them and, spoiler alert, no one cares to learn them. So, use accessible language when scriptwriting for your video productions (unless you’re making a video specifically for your group of 10-20 co-workers).

The Antidote

Talk to your customers in a language that they will understand. Hey you never know, you may even end up simplifying your message because you decided to take the time to think through your brand’s storytelling in a new way.  

Don’t want to? That’s why video marketing agencies like us have been in business for years! Reach out, we would love to help. 

4. Don't Disregard Your Audience

It can be hard to start the creative process for video productions. Oftentimes, just getting something down on paper can feel like a victory. However, if the story you write for your brand isn’t focused on converting the right audience (i.e. your target market) then your efforts will be in vain. 

The Antidote

While you’re building your video production, you should also be building the audience who’s going to see it. 

We created our creative brief specifically to help our customers define exactly what their video should be, including their audience. Try it out today!

5. Don't Forget To Make Your Video Productions emotional

A bored customer is no longer a customer. So, all of your videos need a compelling voice and message. They need a good hook! So, how do you fix chronically snore-worthy videos? 

The Antidote

You have to make your potential customers feel something. We’ve put together a guide that focuses on the emotions that sell. We call it The S.T.U.F.F., you can call it anything you want to – so long as you’re using it to drive sales!

And there you go! Five mistakes that a lot of people accidentally trip up on, and ways to combat them before they even happen. Of course, here at the Rip Media Group Video Marketing Agency, we make sure no mistakes are made because this is what we do – and we love it!

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