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Make an Educational Marketing Video that Grabs Them by the !@#$

Educational marketing is becoming increasingly common in the med-tech field to keep pace with constant innovation. As tech companies iterate and develop their new technologies, they need to build hype and make sales. That’s hard to do when your team is mostly comprised of tech-heads and medical professionals. 

Most tech companies tend to sell the features and not the benefits of their products. That’s where high quality, medical explainer videos enter the mix. 

Good videos increase click-throughs by 200% or more and home-page conversions by 80%. Still, about 40% of video ads fail

How to Decrease the Failure Rate of Medical Ads

Why do video ads fail

Well, factors vary by industry. Some companies may choose the wrong tone, the wrong animation style, the wrong topic, or the wrong story. In the medical field, medical ads tend to focus on what they can do and not enough on how they can help. 

Still, this seems like a small distinction.  

So, what’s the difference between educational marketing that sells features and marketing that sells benefits?

The difference is subtle but important. Ads that sell features exist in a vacuum. They talk about what they can do without connecting those features to anything tangible. An ad that sells benefits places those features into a situation that your customer will likely experience. 

The success of a video your medical ad agency makes depends on delivering a message that connects with your customer. 

Some Great Educational Marketing Examples

Most of us are visual learners, so here are some examples of what we mean. 

First, take a look at our work for Coherus BioSciences, a company that develops a febrile neutropenia treatment. This whiteboard video explains febrile neutropenia, an ailment few people have heard about, through the chemotherapy that causes it. Then, once you’ve established an emotional connection, the medical video presented Coherus’s solution—UDENYCA.

Most people have heard of or have had some chemotherapy experience, so this approach opened emotional doors to Coherus’s customers that didn’t exist before. Pair this with images of loving couples, supportive doctors, and hopeful music, and you have a video that’s engaging and powerful to any potential viewers. 

Next, consider our work for the Neuromuscular Disease Foundation (NDF). The NDF wanted something extraordinary when they picked us as their medical ad agency. So, to help them tell a better story, we created a visual metaphor.

This video wraps the story of the foundation’s effort to find a cure for gene myopathies into a story about their team pushing a boulder up a hill. As their company and donations grew, the number of people pushing the boulder grew as well. NDF could then use this easily digestible visual metaphor for a variety of events to meet their fundraising goals.

Finally, let’s take a look at our work for Harvard University’s Defeating Malaria Initiative

Using this video, we used a voice-over, a simple setup, and stirring music to add a human element to an otherwise strictly medical malaria problem. We love this video because it takes facts and makes them emotional sticking points by presenting them in context. The video opens with the number of malaria cases a year and then contextualizes them with the financial strain and the fatalities that the disease causes.

This story-based approach to a sensitive issue helped Harvard raise the money it needed to further eradicate malaria for good.

Educational Marketing Gets Results

It’s a fact. Our experience shows us that well made educational videos help medical companies raise money, sell products, and connect with their customers. Educational videos are the only way to go for complex or sensitive topics of any kind.

If you’re browsing medical ad agencies and are looking for the right firm to help you with your educational marketing, we would love to speak with you.

Your story starts here. 

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