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Can’t Afford a Video Marketing Company? Try This

We want to start with a caveat. While you can certainly tackle your video marketing in low cost ways, you can’t replace what a video marketing company can do for more extensive campaigns, high-end commercials, or testimonials that will stand the test of time. 

Even a faster, cheaper video production process like our Express Videos that runs $2,000-$5,000/video can get you much further than cold calls and flashy web design.

But perhaps even that is out of reach for you, and that’s why you’re here.

So, if you’re looking for a video marketing agency to create a series of videos focused on email outreach, or something similar, we want you to know that it’s a new dawn, it’s a new day – and there’s a new marketplace. Now, you can access lower-cost video marketing options more easily than you ever could before. 

That’s exciting!

Options for Low-Budget Video Outreach

So, what are your options for low-budget, video marketing outreach?

If your only goal is to draw attention to your services, and you intend to do that through direct outreach with LinkedIn or email, then consider a service like The Video Bot. The Video Bot can create a completely customizable and clickable video-from-template that you can send out to your customers directly via email for the price of $19/month. 

Rip Media created this service specifically to cater to CEOs with lower budgets who need a leg up on their marketing game. 

I was quoted in a recent interview by PR Week saying as much. “I was seeing a customer need. Clients were saying, ‘We can’t spend this much on every video that we do. Is there something more affordable?’” when I was asked about the reason he created The Video Bot. 

You can also produce your introductory videos using your phone or laptop. Just be sure to keep these videos short and sweet! 

The quicker you can get to your point, the better. 

Why Do Outreach With Videos From a Video Marketing Company, or Anything Else, Anyway?

During this point of the discovery process, it’s completely valid to be thinking, “why do I need videos for my marketing and outreach anyway? Can’t I just send out emails and grab coffee with people to network with customers?” 

If you’re in this camp, consider the following digital marketing statistics from the IAB/PwC Internet Advertising Revenue Report:

  1.  Digital advertising revenue increased by 12.2% in 2020 compared to 2019.
  2.  Social media ad revenue reached $41.5 billion last year, showing 16.3% year-over-year growth.  
  3. Digital video experienced the greatest increase at 20.6% year-over-year to $26.2 billion last year.

These digital and video marketing stats mean two things. First, marketing channels are saturated. Second, video helps you stand out. 

So, while it’s true that emails and in-person networking work, you won’t be selling as much unless you’re actively trying to deliver the kind of “wow” factor that video can give you. 

Don’t Let Smaller Budgets Keep You From Video Marketing

It’s true, where there’s a will, there’s away. 

If you have a smaller budget and are determined to DIY your videos, browse our blog for storytelling tips, filming tricks, and budgeting hacks. Or, you can sign up for The Video Bot and start reaching out to customers in less than 60 seconds!

So, what will you decide? Do you want a video marketing company to handle everything, or are you thinking more DIY? 

Whatever direction you end up heading in, feel free to reach out! We’ll be happy to help.




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