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Whiteboard Animation for Employee Training: A New Trend

Most employee training is as engaging as watching paint dry in slow motion. But before you resign yourself to a fate of half-asleep new hires, let me introduce you to the unsung hero of the corporate learning world: Whiteboard Animation.

Whiteboard Animation: Not Just for YouTube Influencers

Yeah, you’ve probably seen this type of content being used to explain complex concepts by some dude on YouTube. But this isn’t just the playground of influencers and marketers; it’s a goldmine for training your team.
First off, what is it? Simply put, whiteboard animation is a video style that shows the viewer static images being drawn on the screen, typically in a time-lapsed or stop-motion effect. It’s often accompanied by narration that walks the viewer through the story that the drawings are telling.
Now, let’s talk turkey and dive into why your business should take a swing at whiteboard animation for employee training.

Cut to the Chase with Simplified Storytelling

Listen, no one wants to sift through a 50-page training manual with the charisma of a teaspoon. Whiteboard animation turns those yawn-inducing sessions into a narrative journey. By using visual storytelling, you’re not just dumping information; you’re engaging new hires with a simplified story that sticks. Think of it as the espresso shot of training—potent, quick, and highly effective.

Scribble Your Way to Better Retention Rates

Science says we’re hardwired to remember stories and visuals way better than text or speech. That’s where whiteboard animations earn their stripes. The combo of visual elements, motion, and audio narratives makes your training content stickier than a melted lollipop on a car seat. Employees not only pay attention but also remember what they’ve learned.

Customize It Like Your Favorite Burger

One size fits all? Please, leave that for tube socks. Your company is unique, and your training should be too. Customizable whiteboard animations allow you to tailor content that aligns perfectly with your brand and message. Want to include your company’s mascot doing the moonwalk? Go for it. The sky’s the limit here.

Analytics Are Your New Best Friend

Here’s the kicker: with whiteboard animation, you can track who watched the video, for how long, and if they replayed parts of it. This isn’t possible with live training unless you fancy standing over someone’s shoulder with a stopwatch (weirdo). Use this data to tweak your training and make it as compelling as a season finale cliffhanger.

Show Me the Money!

You’re in business to make money, not to burn it on expensive training sessions that everyone hates. Whiteboard animations are a cost-effective solution. Create it once, use it ad infinitum—across different departments, time zones, and even languages. No need for repeat live sessions or reprinting materials that end up as coffee coasters.

Boosting Trainings with Whiteboard Animation

Alright, let’s round up the herd and count ’em out. What have we learned from our dive into the doodle-dominated world of whiteboard animation for employee training?
  1. Engage More, Yawn Less: Whiteboard animations turn the snore-fest of conventional training into a captivating story.
  2. Stick it to ‘Em: This medium boosts retention rates like crazy thanks to its visual-narrative combo.
  3. One-of-a-Kind: Customize to your heart’s content, making the training uniquely yours.
  4. Track and Attack: Use analytics to continually improve your training methods.
  5. Show Me the Money: It’s cost-effective – spend less, teach more, and do it endlessly.

Action Items for the Eager Beavers

  1. Audit Your Current Training: Look, if it’s as dry as a saltine cracker, it’s time for an upgrade.
  2. Get Creative: Brainstorm how whiteboard animation can tell your company’s story. Don’t forget the moonwalk.
  3. Reach Out to the Pros: Consult with a company that knows their stuff when it comes to whiteboard animation.
  4. Test and Measure: Implement these videos and monitor the engagement and retention metrics.
  5. Iterate: Use the data to tweak and improve your videos. Rinse and repeat.

Don’t Just Stand There, Do Something!

In conclusion, if your employee training doesn’t include whiteboard animation, you’re telling your employees you don’t value their time or your own. It’s time to jump on the bandwagon or get left in the dust.
Now, for the love of all that is efficient, take action. Your employees are begging for a better way to learn, and your bottom line will thank you.
So what’s your next move? I’ll tell you: click your way over to the good folks at Rip Media Group and get yourself some whiteboard animation magic. They’ll whip up something that’ll make your training the highlight of your employees’ day.
Stop making everyone suffer through mind-numbing slideshows and get on board with a training tool that works. Your employees will be more prepared, and your training sessions might just become the stuff of legends.
Drop us a line, tell us your worst training horror stories, and let’s make them a thing of the past with whiteboard animation that rocks.
Three things you can do to keep fast track of your learning:
  1. Connect on Linkedin as I share valuable lessons weekly.
  2. Grab your FREE guide about the 6 Stories You Need to Make Money.
  3. Check this Masterclass and learn how to address your customer’s pain points and create a masterful, brand story that engages, and sells – even while you sleep.
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