Rip Media Group

10 Common Reasons Your Marketing Videos Failed

Hi there, we are gathering feedback in the industry, and we know that you work hard on your marketing videos and you’re wondering why they haven’t gotten more views or how to make them better. Well, the truth is that there are many reasons for this issue.

The first reason: You didn’t work with Rip Media Group. Yes, full disclosure and self-promoting plug, but we have a guarantee that you will be proud of our work! We know that you will because we add our full marketing, advertising, and creative superpowers to your needs – and collaborate with you – every step of the way.  

Now, there are some out there that didn’t go this route, and your business video marketing may be successful, but sometimes, videos might fail to produce the desired results at times.

So, we compiled a list of the top 10 common reasons why your marketing videos are failing to deliver.

1) Your marketing videos are ambiguous or not well-defined

In order for viewers to understand the message your video is trying to deliver, it is important to make sure that all aspects are clarified. This includes having a strong, attention-grabbing headline, as well as a clear and concise message throughout the video. A confusing message will lead to a video that has failed.

To create an effective marketing video, it is important to make sure the viewer knows what your video does and what you offer.

2) Your marketing videos should have perfectly explicit goals

If you want your film to reach out to individuals, you must have well-defined objectives. It will not get past people if the goals and objects of your video are vague.

The objectives of video production for business should be to inform, entertain, or sell. To have a great marketing video, it should be to inform the public of your product or service, make them laugh, or promote interest in your organization.

3) Your marketing videos lack a clear message

Another cause why your marketing video may fail is if the content of the video isn’t clear. You must have a clear message to get through, or else your marketing video will be ineffective.

Your video should be made in a way that the viewer can understand what you’re trying to say within the first few seconds. Your viewers should be able to understand what you’re attempting to say. Anyone would forget about a video with no apparent meaning.

4) Your marketing videos is not in sync with your target audiences

Even if you spend a lot of money on corporate video production and marketing, it will be pointless unless you reach out to your potential consumers.

If you use relaxing music and inappropriate techniques to promote a new automobile model, for example, you may not have the desired impact on your viewers. You must ensure that the film is accessible to your target audiences and that the tone and style of your video are appropriate.

5) Your marketing videos lack sufficient pre-production planning

Amateur business marketing videos ignore the prerequisites of the firm and, as a result, there isn’t enough planning or execution that is effective. It can be argued that pre-production is the most important phase of video production. Without it, you won’t have a strong foundation for your marketing film.

Before starting to shoot any project, you must determine the key message that you want to get across and who your target audience is. You should develop an appropriate script, plot out where to shoot, and determine the style of your video.

The most essential thing is that they should receive a perfect and interesting conclusion product. Without proper planning, all of your efforts may go to waste.

6) Your marketing videos have a substandard quality

It’s crucial that your marketing video be technically correct in order for it to attract a large number of people and be effective. If your video has improper visual effects or sound quality, or if it contains low-quality material, your audience will notice.

The quality of your video will determine how many people will want to watch it. It is important that the resolution and sound quality are impressive, especially if you’re trying to attract business with your corporate video production.

This still applies when you create marketing videos for social media applications like YouTube or Facebook. You can’t expect to go viral on these platforms if your videos are not high quality. Because there are so many competition entrants in this field, you can assume that each viewer must have viewed the best and most professional marketing videos.

7) Your marketing videos lack sufficient promotion and advertising

One of the most essential things to consider is that in order to reach your target viewers, your end product must be advertised. Even the finest and highest quality video content will not be successful if it is not publicized and marketed in the correct way.

To promote your video, you must ensure that it will be visible on the internet. With millions of business marketing videos shared every day, you’ll need to come up with a clever strategy to market your film.

Marketing videos require promotion and, without that aspect, your video can’t get beyond just a few viewers. Marketing videos that fail to take the above points into consideration usually disappoint you in terms of their overall value and effectiveness.

8) Your marketing videos have no call to action.

Never end on a down note when producing a video. You need to pique your audience’s attention and elicit feedback. Start a Facebook group or a Twitter account or an e-mail campaign, and keep your potential consumers and spectators engaged.

Include a variety of social media links in your video description so that viewers can share it with their friends and family. If you’re confident in the quality of your business marketing videos, leverage them to increase brand awareness and maximize conversions.

This is an effective approach to convert someone into a customer by getting them to act right away. Results will be seen with a well-made video if it has a call to action included in it.

9) Your marketing videos are not taking the latest trends into account

A majority of marketing videos are still using traditional marketing methods instead of appealing to the new media landscape that we live in today. Most small- and medium-sized businesses still view the web as an extension of their print campaign, not considering that there is a platform with its own benefits and pitfalls.

This means you should approach your marketing strategy with flexibility in mind so that it can evolve with changing technology. If you want to get more views on YouTube, be sure to study what viewers are responding to on the site and produce videos that cater to those trends.

If you’re not up to date with the latest trends, your marketing video will be easily forgotten or ignored by audiences. If you produce a video without taking current trends into account, it will likely be ignored and ineffective.

10) Your marketing videos is not worth watching

Too often, marketing videos are dry, boring, and unenjoyable to watch. If your potential consumers don’t find your video interesting or valuable, they will not bother to watch it all the way through.

To keep your viewers hooked, you need to produce an interesting and entertaining video. This means you should avoid “talking head” videos, which are often dull and unengaging. Instead, try including creative visuals or effects that will hold your viewer’s attention.

In order for people to share your video, it must be worth watching. If it’s not, it will likely be ignored. Marketing videos should be interesting and valuable to watch in order to be successful. This means that you must make sure that your video is interesting and provides some sort of value to the viewer.


Producing a marketing video that falls flat can be extremely frustrating. By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll be on your way to creating an effective and successful marketing video.

Remember to keep your potential consumers in mind, produce a video that is of high quality, and make sure that it is interesting and worth watching. With these tips in mind, you’re sure to create a marketing video that will reach your target audience and achieve your desired results.

Learn more

Looking for more information on how to produce an effective marketing video? The following resources should be of help to you:

For additional in-depth coverage of video marketing, brand building, and storytelling, check out my most recent Masterclass and join our Free Bootcamp!

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