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How To Market Your Video Production On Instagram

Video Production Instagram

According to comScore, 64% of customers are more likely to make a purchase after seeing a video.  But how do you get your videos out there? And most of all, how do you conquer those giants of the internet? By giants, I mean the names that we all recognize:  Facebook and Instagram.

These platforms can be pretty overwhelming on the face of it; each of them has daily views in the multi-millions. How can you maneuver your video productions into those feeds – especially when they’re both so different to each other?

Let’s look at Instagram.  It’s owned by Facebook and has 400 million monthly active users (and growing every day). Recently, Instagram added the ability for users to post 60 video productions. When a user is scrolling through their feed, auto play kicks in but without sound, and without the familiar Facebook video captions.

So what does this all mean? It means that  you want to ensure your video works just as well without sound. You want to make it as visually arresting as possible so people will hit the sound button. Maybe use some great whiteboard animation or motion graphics – they always grab people’s attention.

To see a great example of an ad aimed at Instagram’s sound “issues”, check out this campaign by Banana Republic.  Their ads look amazing!

You should also take their customer base into account. 73% of Instagram users are between 18-35 and there’s a breakdown of 64% women and 36% men. But there are two other facts that should determine how you create your video production in the first place: 1) 48% of Instagram users follow brands if their content is funny and 2) 54% of them say they follow a brand if they can discover new things. So pack some fun and funny facts into your video productions!

There is some bad news – or at least news that’s going to make things a lot more challenging on Instagram in the near future. They’ve announced that they’re changing their newsfeed algorithms so instead of seeing posts from people you’re following, you’ll now see content that Instagram thinks you might like. This means to connect with those audiences you’re going to have to create a bigger budget for the ad spend above and beyond just posting the video.

To set up Instagram ad analytics, you have to do that via Facebook (their parent company). Head to the Facebook Ads Manager and select the option for Instagram. You can utilize the same conversion tracking that you have on your Facebook ads.

And that’s Instagram in a nutshell! Contact us here at Rip Media Group for a full consultation on what your needs are and how we can help you create the perfect video production for whatever platform(s) you need! Whether they’re whiteboard animation, motion graphic or live action video production just remember – your story starts here!

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