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How are Whiteboard Animation Videos Helping the Medical Community?

Whiteboard Animation Videos

I remember what it was like when my baby was born…I was over-joyed and overwhelmed all at the same time. Without warning, my parental instincts kicked in; I knew I was responsible for the life of my precious child. If you’re like me, you also have the desire to protect your child from anything that will harm them (in their entire life). And while you know you’re unlikely to succeed at protecting them anything and everything, you know you will do your darndest to try.

If there’s anything scarier than being diagnosed with a complicated-sounding disease, it’s your child being diagnosed with a complicated-sounding disease. Perhaps even worse, is the feeling of helplessness. After all, you don’t know what the process is like to save your child’s life, nor do you know what outcome will come after the diagnosis.

There are cases where Rip Media has been asked to help. How?  Well, whiteboard animation videos and our other videos assist medical communities.  Before I get into all the details, I’ve included an example “Whiteboard Animation: Congenital Heart Disease- for Children’s Hospital.”

So, how does an explainer video (like the one above) actually help medical communities?

Whiteboard animation videos can explain complicated health conditions with great bedside manner.

While parents want to be an all-knowing source of education for their children, we have to admit that there are some things we simply don’t know or understand. Our first thought might be to head straight to Google for answers… but [doctors know] the answers we find might only create more panic for an already-worried parent. But before all of the internet-surfing, doctors can have mom and dad watch 2D or 3D animation videos which explain their child’s condition. After watching a creative and educational video, the diagnosis seems a lot easier to emotionally and physically manage. As for Rip Media’s video above—“This type of patient educational video will help to break the gap between doctors and patients care”, said Dr. Nai Yu Tang of the Baby Hearts Foundation. Thanks to whiteboard animation videos, adults no longer face the difficulty of dealing with medical terminology, and many pediatric hospitals will no longer lack content that can help young patients, as well as parents, understand their illness and the road ahead.

Whiteboard animation videos can explain complicated treatment procedures.

While a doctor can explain in detail the steps for treatment and recovery, sometimes traumatic diagnoses can cause things to go in one parent’s ear and out the other. And most of the time, the healing process is full of details which might be difficult for a doctor to describe just once! But when Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles, CA refers parents to watch one of our videos, mothers and fathers know there is a resource they can watch online any time of day to help them understand their child’s healing process. Whiteboard animation services are paced at a speed in which adults and child can understand, so the treatment options aren’t overwhelming. If parents watch the video online, they can even pause and re-play whatever part they like, so they don’t need to call a medical office over and over again for help with general questions.

Please see our series on Breast Cancer Research

Whiteboard Animation Videos make things “less scary” for children and adults.

No one likes feeling out of control or stuck without hope. Whiteboard animation videos are clear, concise and creative. They answer questions like: a) “What does this diagnosis mean?” b) “What type of treatment options are available to my child going and/how can she or he be cured?” and c) “What does this mean for the rest of my child’s life?” 2D or 3D animation are a great option for parents to share with their children as well. And conveniently, kids are able to share the video with curious friends who want to know why their peer might be missing school for a little while. The more support sick kids have from friends, the better.

Whiteboard animation videos are for almost all “learning types.”

Doctors primarily rely on a patient’s auditory learning skills, because they first have to tell their patient the diagnosis. If a patient is lucky, they’ll understand how to read their MRI or x-ray results. If they are lucky, they will receive a brochure to help explain the diagnosis. But these types of educational tools are impersonal and outdated. Sociologists and Psychologists have examined seven different types of learning styles: Visual (spatial), Aural (auditory), Verbal (linguistic), Physical (kinesthetic), Logical (Mathematical), Social (interpersonal) and Solitary (intrapersonal). Whiteboard Animation Services can work for Audio, Visual, Logical, Social AND Solitary learners! That means almost every type of learner can glean information from whiteboard animation videos and feel like they have more answers than before.

Whiteboard animation videos share the help of your insurance company or hospital.

When insurance companies or hospitals utilize whiteboard animation services, they are ultimately serving their clients (by educating them). But that’s not all! Thanks to the internet and the ability for people to share videos, others can also be informed. When a whiteboard animation video shares the names and/or hospital of a specialized team of doctors, other potential patients will want to work with that network of professionals as well! It’s a win-win situation; more patients know where to get treatment and more insurance companies and/or doctors get to treat more patients.

It’s time for the medical community to invest more in video. 2D or 3D animation videos can ease someone into a place of peace instead of heightening an already dramatic situation. Whiteboard animation videos break down clinical explanations and can show patients (or the parents of patients) what the treatment options are. Don’t forget, a whiteboard animation video also benefits hospitals or insurance companies. Resources nudge potential clients to want to work with them, because they receive thorough answers. We live a world filled with technology. As science continues to make technological advances, whiteboard animation videos are the best solution to help patients, family and friends under what’s happening with their loved one.

Special thanks to Dr. Tang: it was an honor and privilege to produce this video for such a wonderful cause. 


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