Rip Media Group

Before you create another piece of content, first: use C.O.R.E.

We understand, because we are doing it everyday for clients: Creating great content can be hard. 


You spend hours (if not days) writing, editing, and promoting a piece, only to see it does decently well…and then you move on to the next thing. The biggest challenge for any creator is continuing to create fresh, new content that will resonate with their audience – without burning out in the process.


Enter our CORE method – Create. Once. Repurpose. Everywhere. 


This methodology takes one piece of content and breaks it down into multiple smaller pieces that can be used across different channels. Not only does this save you time in the long run, but it also allows you to test which formats and channels work best for your audience. 

We understand, because we are doing it everyday for clients: Creating great content can be hard. 


You spend hours (if not days) writing, editing, and promoting a piece, only to see it does decently well…and then you move on to the next thing. The biggest challenge for any creator is continuing to create fresh, new content that will resonate with their audience – without burning out in the process.


Enter our CORE method – Create. Once. Repurpose. Everywhere. 


This methodology takes one piece of content and breaks it down into multiple smaller pieces that can be used across different channels. Not only does this save you time in the long run, but it also allows you to test which formats and channels work best for your audience. 

What is the CORE method?

The CORE method is a simple 4-step process that will help you get the most out of your content: 


Create: This is the initial stage where you sit down and come up with an idea for a piece of content. It could be your explainer video, commercial, testimonials, a blog post, an infographic, or even just a social media post. Once you have your idea, it’s time to create. 


Organize: Once your content is created, it’s time to start thinking about how you can break it down into smaller pieces. For example, if you have a blog post discussing 5 different tips, each of those tips can be turned into a separate social media post. If you have an infographic with 10 sections, each section can be turned into a Tweet or Instagram caption. If you have a 2 minute explainer, create a 15 second, a 30 second, and a 45 second cut down version for different layers of the buyers journey.  Basic edits and perhaps a new voice over is all that may be needed.


Get creative here – there are endless possibilities! The goal is to have around 10-15 smaller pieces of content that you can use across various channels. 


Repurpose: This is where the magic happens! Once you’ve broken down your content into smaller pieces, it’s time to start repurposing it across different channels. If you have a LinkedIn profile, share your blog post there. If you’re active on Twitter, tweet out an excerpt from your blog post with a link back to the full article. And if you’re on Instagram, share an image from your blog post or infographic with a quick caption explaining what it’s about.


Remember to mix things up and experiment with different formats – not every piece of content will work on every channel so it’s important to test what performs best on each platform. 

Engage & Evaluate: The final step in the CORE method is engaging with your audience and seeing how they respond to your content. Are they liking/sharing/commenting? Are they clicking through to read more? Use these metrics as well as any qualitative feedback (i.e. comments/emails) to evaluate how well each piece of content performed and adjust accordingly for future iterations. Also, take note of which channels performed best so that you can focus your efforts on those platforms moving forward. 

Learn to Tell Stories that make money

CORE method - sample guide

This CORE technique sample guide will teach you how to repurpose any type or form of content. Use this as a guide to get started repurposing your material.

If you want to repurpose your content, start with these three ideas.

Now that we’ve gone over the CORE method, let’s take a look at how you can actually repurpose content. Here are a few ideas to get you started: 


– Create a blog post and then turn it into an Instagram caption, Twitter thread, or Facebook post

– Create an infographic and then share it on Pinterest, Instagram, or LinkedIn

– Record a podcast episode and then transcribe it into a blog post or create social media posts around key topics/takeaways 


The possibilities are endless! And the best part is that once you have your content created, you can continue to use and reuse it over and over again without having to start from scratch each time.


Content marketing is one of the most important tools you can use to connect with your customers and keep them engaged. The CORE method is a great way to never run out of content ideas and continuously engage with your audience.


But don’t just take our word for it – download our free guide to learn more about why content matters, and how you can use the power of storytelling to connect with your customers on a deeper level.


Thanks for reading! If you need help in your content marketing, contact us. Our team would be happy to chat with you about how we can help turn your content goals into reality.


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