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Marketing Videos … Product Videos… How to write a compelling video Part 4

Sales Force Book

Rip Media Group is an multimedia marketing agency in Los Angeles that produces video and promotes companies online. This 6-part blog  celebrates the best animated video and product video for business – and teaches you how to prepare for a great video production…Need a web commercial, an explainer video, a product video, or sales video and its going to be filmed live, a whiteboard animation, or an animation? Uou need to build a good story.


In advance of the book release, for the next 6 weeks, Rip Media’s is releasing the series: How to write compelling video.

Part 4: Story

Previously, we discussed the experience associated with your product, the buyers who will relate, and the necessity to keep your advertising short and sharable. This all culminates into the essential skill of storytelling: stories create attachment, activate sense memory, and bring up emotions. Without a doubt, your product was created to do something special.

Movies are excellent examples, as they will follow a three-act structure that includes an exposition, conflict, and resolution or, as described in ‘The Sales Force’, “The pain, the dream, and the solution.”

Use this structure as your guideline, and you’ll be onto a sturdy path to your story.

They are four main types of stories:

  1. The Underdog or Comeback Story: Think Rocky, Harry Potter, or Michael Phelps at the Olympics.
  2. Buddy Story: Think Lethal Weapon, or the rivalries that make competitors and team mates push harder, go further, and cross boundaries to solve problems together.
  3. The Quest or Hero’s Journey: Think Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, or almost any Nike ad.
  4. How to do it: Where do you look to learn a new technique?
  5. Transformation: Which one is about transformation?  They are ALL about transformation of a character’s life.  Just as your product will transform your buyers’ lives.

Now, these types of stories may mix into each other. For example, The Lord of the Rings could be classified as a hero’s journey, a buddy film, and an underdog story all at the same time. But, the important thing is to understand what your story is and why it needs to be that particular story – your audience will thank you for it.

Each story type must have particular emotional elements that evoke passion, motivate, and inspire an action.  We will discuss this in our next update!

Rip Media Group produces whiteboard animations, animation videos called motion graphics, and live video productions.  Maury Rogow and his new book “The Sales Force”, explained there are six secrets to writing a successful script, which he is sharing with us in this six part series.


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